This software is provided in good faith with every effort made to provide accurate data and apply comprehensive knowledge. However, REMPLAN does not guarantee the accuracy of data nor the conclusions drawn from this information. A decision to pursue any action in any way related to the figures, data and commentary presented in this software is wholly the responsibility of the party concerned. REMPLAN advises any party to conduct detailed feasibility studies and seek professional advice before proceeding with any such action and accepts no responsibility for the consequences of pursuing any such action.


REMPLAN respects the privacy of your personal information by adhering to state and federal privacy laws. The REMPLAN website privacy statement outlines how we will manage personal information collected through the use of this website, as well as the community and investment profiles, software and applications that we deliver to and manage on behalf of our clients. This statement does not extend to external websites that have been linked from REMPLAN owned and managed websites, profiles, software and applications. It is suggested that you refer to the privacy statements of these external sites.

The REMPLAN privacy statement will be periodically updated to reflect product development and planning at REMPLAN and to ensure continued compliance with state and federal privacy laws.

Privacy Laws

In regard to personal information collected from REMPLAN owned and managed websites, profiles, software and applications, we are committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act), and the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Victoria) (IPA).

Collecting, Using and Disclosing Personal Information


Users of REMPLAN owned and managed websites, profiles, software and applications may receive a cookie to their computer's memory. A cookie is a small data structure sent from a web server to the internet browser and saved on your hard drive as a text file. Most web browsers are set to accept cookies. If you do not wish to receive cookies you can disable this function in your web browser although doing so may restrict access to some web pages.

Cookies store non-personal information such as your server address, your top level domain name, the date and the time of your visit to the site, the pages you accessed and downloaded, the address of the last site you visited, and the type of browser you are using. We use this information for monitoring the use of our websites, profiles, software and applications to facilitate product management, development and planning.

Online forms

If you provide personal details during your visit to REMPLAN owned and managed websites, profiles, software and applications, then we will only use your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected. Your personal information will remain confidential.


REMPLAN does not guarantee secure transmission of information over the internet. Visitors and users of our websites, profiles, software and applications should be aware that there are risks in transmitting information over the internet. If you are concerned about conveying your personal information over the internet, then you may wish to contact the REMPLAN team by telephone or mail.